Digital POP display material
100% Custom-Made Displays: Unique, Innovative, Responsible

The ability to see, touch and feel products still ranks highest among the rea­sons con­sumers choose to shop in stores. And while con­sumer di­gi­ta­li­za­tion is trans­forming ex­pec­ta­tions (and some­times keep­ing con­sumers away), phy­si­cal re­tail­ing is in­creas­ing­ly of­fering di­gi­tal serv­ices to lure con­sumers back to stores.

Customer-centric digital strategies, along with technology, offer opportunities for traditional retailing (and brands) to orient customer choice, advise on product features, help to sell, make the most of the (limited) physical space.

Digital solutions can optimize the time of store associates, promote a temporary or seasonal offer, increase conversion, expand the offline assortment with an virtual shelf or inform about availability

Display solutions with a digital screen, a touch-screen, connected screens, interactive terminals, … our team integrates the most relevant digital solution in your display unit. We guide you from concept to realization of your digital retail displays.

  • Adapted to changing shopping expectations
  • Simplicity stimulates sales
  • Stimulates latent buying
  • Enhances brand exposure on the shop floor
  • Advises on product features
  • Communicates and inspires
  • Shopping experiences promote brand loyalty
  • Ideal for temporary assortments, promotions or innovations
Display with a digital screen

Display with a digital screen

We provide your display with digital screens to enhance your visual content, commercial or sales arguments. The content can be updated manually or remotely through digital signange technologies.

Digital kiosks


Pilotes offer custom stands equipped with touch screen solutions, possibly for your catalogue applications to accomodate shoppers through your product or service offer. Applications can refer shoppers to a wider range, not available in the physical store.

Ipad stand

Ipad stand

With an secured iPad kiosk we integrate interactivity in your floor display. The integration of an iPad gives you the possibility to make the display an "extra seller".

Smart retail shelving

Smart retail shelving

Accomodating or guiding consumers during the final moment of the purchase process, connected retail shelves can offer a powerful shopping experience. Optionally, usage data can be synchronized with sales data.