— Point-of-Purchase Material 100% Custom-Made — Shop window display  Unique, Innovative, Responsible

The role of shop windows is to arouse interest in passers-by so that they stop and enter the shop. The shop window displays a promotional range, a seasonal offer or events, which are also promoted through other media to convey their exceptional nature.

Discover more > Point-of-Purchase (POP): Retail Window Display explained

In shop windows each retailer presents its own vision for an event. The shop window must therefore immerse us in a universe and a story that reflect the brand's marketing positioning.

As with any display material, decorations should not dominate the products. The offer is the magnet at the centre of the scene. Any animation should be able to tempt and create a remarkable atmosphere.

  • Stimulates impulse purchase
  • The shop window is the stage of a theatre, the decor plays an important role
  • Storytelling sublimes products and brand
  • Materials are a source of inspiration
  • Lighting effects attract the customer's attention
  • Easy to adapt to different physical spaces
Christmas window display

Christmas window display

As the festive season approaches, shop windows come to life with their most beautiful decorations

Valentine's Day window

Valentine's Day window

With their shop windows, shops link their brand to the positive emotions of a holiday

Christmas window display

Christmas window display

Every year, shops compete with creativity and inventiveness to bring out the magic of Christmas

Easter window display

Easter window display

The shop window is a theatre with a different show every time