On-shelf activation: Shelf display with stopper for Baileys

Shelf display with stopper for Baileys
Shelf-based display with stopper for Baileys ©Pilotes

Sept-2022 — Larger grocery stores have thousands of different products. Visibility is a challenge due to the vast array of similar products. If your product goes unnoticed, customers won't buy it. That's the challenge in a nutshell when it comes to primary placement on the shelves.

To enhance visibility, brands can utilize specific shelf-based point-of-purchase (POP) materials.

In the video below, you'll see our latest creation aimed at making Baileys stand out — and introducing two new flavors at the same occasion: Baileys Salted Caramel and Baileys Espresso Creme.

✅ The width of the display can be adjusted to fit the available space and set up
✅ It is designed to catch the attention of shoppers and make them stop by using a perpendicular shelf-stopper
✅ By creating disruption on the busy shelves, it prompts impulsive behavior and helps customers discover the two new flavors
✅ It is completely customized to align with the brand's identity and enhance the appeal of the products on display

Do you want to know more about shelf-based display materials? Click below 👇

The proof is in the pudding! Is your product ready to shine on retail shelves? Contact us today, we would be happy to discuss the possibilities for your product.