How to show your product next to the problem?

On-fixture dispenser for Pampers wet wipes
On-fixture dispenser for Pampers wet wipes @ Delhaize

Sept-2023 — This on-fixture dispenser for Pampers wet wipes is set up next to baby milk.

What goes in must come out, it evokes. And you'll want to be ready!!! 🤣

With this cross-merchandise material, Pampers stands out with its sense of humour.

On a more serious note, here’s why we think it’s a good idea to strategically place your product in proximity of the issue it addresses:

1️⃣ physical closeness helps to perceive the connection between two objects
2️⃣ products that sit near seem more related to the problem
3️⃣ so the product is perceived as effective at solving the problem

👉 So place your product next to the problem it adresses.

Do you want to know more about cross-merchandising? Click below 👇

Are you interested in using display materials to communicate your solution in stores? Contact us today, we would be happy to discuss the possibilities for your product.

(*) Just like you, we shop too. Our teams are constantly looking for the best instore ideas and trends. Under #POPWellDone we share the materials that caught our attention.